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Fluent Bit Input Plugin in Rust

An example on how to write an input plugin for Fluent Bit in Rust (with some C). All the code can be found here.

Fluent assumes input plugins are in a shared library and all examples I found are written in C. For work I had existing code in Rust that consumes logs from a proprietary source that we wanted to ingest in Fluent Bit. Below you’ll find the scaffolding for writing a plugin with the bulk of the code in Rust.


You need to install:

  1. gcc/clang
  2. cmake
  3. flex
  4. bison
  5. rust


C Code

Fluent Bit loads input plugins from a shared library using a convention. Assume the input plugin is named example, Fluent assumes the shared library to be named From that library it will load a struct describing the plugin called in_example_plugin.

I’ve tried to keep the C code to a absolut minimum.

This struct is defined in csrc/in_example_plugin.c and looks like

struct flb_input_plugin in_example_plugin = {
    .name         = "example",
    .description  = "Example log input plugin",
    .event_type   = FLB_INPUT_LOGS,
    .cb_init      = cb_init,
    .cb_pre_run   = NULL,
    .cb_collect   = cb_collect,
    .cb_flush_buf = NULL,
    .config_map   = config_map,
    .cb_exit      = cb_exit,

NOTE, name has to follow the naming convention, i.e. has to be "example".

The cb_init, cb_collect and cb_exit are callback functions called by Fluent Bit. We will actually implement those in Rust, hence, they are just declared in the C code:

extern int cb_init(struct flb_input_instance *, struct flb_config *, void *);
extern int cb_collect (struct flb_input_instance *, struct flb_config *, void *);
extern int cb_exit (void *, struct flb_config *);

The config_map describes the configuration parameters the plugin accepts, in our simple example we have a single one that tells Fluent Bit how often to call cb_collect.

static struct flb_config_map config_map[] = {
    FLB_CONFIG_MAP_INT, "interval_sec", "30",
    0, FLB_FALSE, 0,
    "Collect interval."

Rust Code

C bindings are generated using bindgen, please see

All Rust code is compiled into a static library, the shared library is linked from the C and Rust code in the Makefile.

The Rust callback functions has to be declared as unsafe extern "C" and also decorated with #[no_mangle] to prevent mangling of the function name.

The cb_init function is called once by Fluent Bit. It allocates a “context”, FLBContext that Fluent Bit provides in all callbacks after cb_init. The FLBContext is allocated on the heap and the leaked (into_raw) and handed over to Fluent Bit. Last, it calls flb_input_set_collector_time to indicate the callback interval for cb_collect.

unsafe extern "C" fn cb_init(
    flb_input_instance: *mut bindings::flb_input_instance,
    flb_config: *mut bindings::flb_config,
    _user: *mut std::os::raw::c_void,
) -> std::os::raw::c_int {
    let ctx = Box::new(FLBContext { collect_cnt: 0 });

    let cfg = check_result!(configure(&ctx, flb_input_instance));

    let ctx_ptr = Box::into_raw(ctx) as *mut c_void;
    bindings::flb_input_set_context(flb_input_instance, ctx_ptr);



At shutdown of Fluent Bit, cb_exit is called, to not leak memory, we put the FLBContext back into a Box and drop it.

unsafe extern "C" fn cb_exit(
    ctx: *mut std::os::raw::c_void,
    _flb_config: *mut bindings::flb_config,
) -> std::os::raw::c_int {
    // Make sure we drop the CTX allocated in cb_init
    let unboxed_ctx: &mut FLBContext = &mut *(ctx as *mut FLBContext);

At the configured interval, Fluent Bit will call cb_collect to gather logs. Logs are fed into Fluent using MessagePack. I choose to use the rmp crate to do the packing in Rust and just hand the packed buffer to Fluent. The code gets the current time and adds a simple record collect-calls.

/// # Safety
/// This function assumes cb_init has been called to initialze ctx
pub unsafe extern "C" fn cb_collect(
    flb_input_instance: *mut bindings::flb_input_instance,
    _flb_config: *mut bindings::flb_config,
    ctx: *mut std::os::raw::c_void,
) -> std::os::raw::c_int {
    let ctx: &mut FLBContext = &mut *(ctx as *mut FLBContext);

    // Increate collect count
    ctx.collect_cnt += 1;

    // Constrult message pack
    // It has the following structure [time-stampe, {a:foo, b:bar, ..}]
    let mut mp = Vec::new();

    // Array with two items
    check_result!(rmp::encode::write_array_len(&mut mp, 2));

    // Encode time

    let now = check_result!(
    const NS: u128 = 1000000000;
    let now_sec = now.as_nanos() / NS;
    let now_nsec = now.as_nanos() - now_sec * NS;

    // The timestamp is written as 8 bytes, 4 bytes seconds and 4 bytes nanos
    check_result!(rmp::encode::write_ext_meta(&mut mp, 8, 0));
    mp.extend_from_slice(&(now_sec as u32).to_be_bytes());
    mp.extend_from_slice(&(now_nsec as u32).to_be_bytes());

    // Let's add a single record to the record map
    check_result!(rmp::encode::write_map_len(&mut mp, 1));

    // The record will be the number of cb_collect calls
    check_result!(rmp::encode::write_str(&mut mp, "collect-calls"));
    check_result!(rmp::encode::write_u64(&mut mp, ctx.collect_cnt as _));

    let res = bindings::flb_input_chunk_append_raw(
        mp.as_mut_ptr() as *const c_void,
        mp.len() as u64,

    if res != 0 {
        eprintln!("Failed to store chunk");


Testing the Code

The Makefile will download Fluent Bit locally and build it.

git clone
cd fluent-bit-input-rust
make all run
   Compiling in-example v0.1.0 (/tmp/fluent-bit-input-rust)
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 9.25s
cc -s -m64 -O2 -shared -o out/in_example_plugin.o target/release/libin_example.a
fluent-bit/build/bin/fluent-bit -vv -e ./ -i example -o stdout
Fluent Bit v1.8.11
* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 The Fluent Bit Authors
* Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Treasure Data
* Fluent Bit is a CNCF sub-project under the umbrella of Fluentd

[2022/01/15 14:33:00] [ info] [engine] started (pid=2355956)
[2022/01/15 14:33:00] [ info] [storage] version=1.1.5, initializing...
[2022/01/15 14:33:00] [ info] [storage] in-memory
[2022/01/15 14:33:00] [ info] [storage] normal synchronization mode, checksum disabled, max_chunks_up=128
[2022/01/15 14:33:00] [ info] [cmetrics] version=0.2.2
[2022/01/15 14:33:00] [ info] [sp] stream processor started
[0] example.0: [1642253589.973281329, {"collect-calls"=>1}]
[0] example.0: [1642253599.973229065, {"collect-calls"=>2}]

And there you see the “logs” generated by our example plugin

Makefile Deep Dive

The interesting part of the Makefile is

RSOURCES = $(wildcard src/*rs)
SOURCES = $(wildcard csrc/*c)
OBJECTS = $(patsubst csrc/%,out/%,$(SOURCES:.c=.o))

out/%.o: csrc/%.c
        @mkdir -p $(dir $@)
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -fpic -c $< -o $@

        cargo build --release
        $(CC) -s $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJECTS) target/release/libin_example.a

Note that the C code is compiled with -fpic for going into a shared library. Also note that the object file is directly linked with the Rust static library, this is to make sure the in_example_plugin is a public symbol that Fluent Bit can load (dlsym).